Friday, June 8, 2007

Unit 7:The Web’s Impact on student learning

After compiling over 100 research studies focused on how the web has impacted student learning, Meyer summarized the findings of the 30 or more that compared web-based courses against traditional ones. She focused on three areas that have an influence on the effectiveness and are a result of web-based learning environments. They are: The role of individual difference; instructional design; and special skills that are conducive and enhanced and by online environments.
The individual differences in students will affect the learning situation. Certain learning styles and behavior types will benefit from this type of environment, while others will suffer. The author states that gender differences also affect the learning process. Males tend to control the online discussion, while females are more “empathetic, polite and agreeable” (p. 166). Furthermore, student’s brain development are more likely to have been shaped by very visual, rapid movement, hypertexted environments very different from the professors who teach the course.
The second area worthy of mentioning was the topic of instructional design. The web allows for “ample interaction to be feasible, including students interacting with the course material, faculty or other experts, as well as, other students. The ease in which students can communicate, discuss ideas, shape information and form friendships through the web allows a broad variety of beliefs and values that they might not have been exposed to in the traditional setting.
The third issue addressed by the authors is the improvement of skills by online environments. Thread discussions allows student to make important statements and link ideas because they take more time to reflect on the problem or question. Writing skills are improved because of the frequency and public visibility of the comments. This public scrutiny pushes the student to focus their thoughts, making their comments much more insightful.

I enjoyed reading this article and agree with the author. The web has definitely impacted my learning. Blackboard discussion and blogging is new for me and putting your thoughts out there for everyone to see is intimidating at times. I feel that my writing skills have improved since I started the M.I.T program, but I have a long way to go. Giving a paper to my professor seems less stressful to me than posting a blog even though they will provide a final grade on it. I understand that using the web environment for learning is here to stay, I’m just not as comfortable using it as other students.

Meyer, K.A. (2003). The web's impact on student learning. T.H.E. Journal Online.

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